
Sunday, May 10, 2009

He is

He is the sunlight in the morning
That brings us hope unto strength forming

He is the shepherd ever calling
That lifts us up whene'er we're falling

He is the life bread we're found eating
That nourishes at sabbath meeting

He is the master in the vinyard
That prunes us much, outward and inward

He is the fountain from which we drink
And He's our Savior- our heavenly link

But, most of all
He is the servant in submission
Ever obedient in His comission

He is the first born, offering all
There to redeem man from Adam's own fall

He is the scapegoat at the passover
Sentenced with man's sins, till it was all over

We are His children, born of His pain
And He will return, to rule and to reign

We are His betrothed, He is the groom
And we wait with oil that our light might bloom

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