
Friday, May 1, 2009

Despite Challenges and Trials in Life

Despite the many challenges and trials in life
A woman was strengthened to daily face strife
For as she trusted in God, she came to know
That the struggle to endure is the best way to grow

In the habit of recording events that did churn
Her gratitude for the atonement warmed within to burn
For with each stretch to o'ercome, much was attained
That through blessings from God, self confidence was gained

According to all the ways mortal man does vary
Our Savior has acquired a perfect way to carry
Weaknesses and circumstances proven to be hard
Help our faith stay fixedly to God in regard

Adversity comes as a time to change and refine
That our character straightens, unto God, to align
For, as we look up, reassurance brings peace
That despite it all, in us, much will increase

So sisters, when challenges come, as surely they must
Let us look and rely upon, ever our Lord, Jesus

Find strength by relying on the Lord
By Marianne Holman
Church News
click the posted title to read the article

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