
Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Lord's at His Table Now Offering

The Lord's at His table now offering
The water and the broken bread
That we might be cleansed of sin's suffering
And sup to be spiritually fed

With all of our heart we each partake
And promise to keep our covenants
That we of all our sins might forsake
And be blessed by His sacrament

Come now and let us be more reverent
That prayers might be received anew
We lift up our voices to heaven
For help in the things we should do

With hands we are weekly out reaching
To have the lord's spirit in us
As to our lips we are e'er touching
The emblems of our Lord Jesus

Who walks in the spirit of meekness?
With minds that have been purified?
Who seeks to be strengthened in weakness?
And freed from each sin that has tried?

Our Savior molds us as new creatures
To put off the natural man
He leads us unto the safe pastures
To drink deeply at the mountain

Here we have Christ's help with our burdens
That they might be carried with ease
He compensates us for our labors
That here we might ever know peace

In the world there is tribulation
But, we've hope and reason to cheer
For there's a path to exaltation
And our Lord does ever stand near

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