
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Believe in the Pursuit of Endless Learning

I believe in the pursuit of endless learning
That study and faith brings forth the highest earnings
And as a child's taught to be helpful through responsibilities
There's joy in service as well as more confidence in abilities

But, there is something more important than all of this
Which is the desire to observe, question and notice
That when a particular subject is introduced
The mind opens and a piqued interest is produced

For therein is absorption, that the learning is retained
That the student is edified and new wisdom is obtained
Unto the exploration of the simple as well as complex
Enjoying the unraveling process which some others would perplex

If I were hired by your academy
I know it will benefit you as well as me
As I would work to improve learning each day
For that is how to teach in an academic way

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