
Sunday, April 5, 2009

All Addictions

All addictions
Found upon the earth
Cause restrictions
And lower our self-worth

Yet we've a way
To restore freedom
To hold sins at bay
And be filled with wisdom

The cravings of
The natural man
Substitute God's love
For what ever is at hand

A deep hunger
Won't be satisfied
Till prayers are uttered
And the soul is tried

With humility one can afford
To conquer what's insatiable
It's the price to feast with the Lord
And taste what is incredible

The fruits of the Lord's gospel
Are satisfyingly sweet
That when we're given to sample
We lay our sins at His feet

Then as we know each week we sin
We seek cleansing of hands and hearts
Thus a reverence in us begins
For that which the sacrament imparts

Thoughts from Elder Hales conference talk
Becoming Provident Providers Temporally and Spiritually
Ensign, May 2009, 7

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