
Monday, March 2, 2009

Where Does Lie the Higher Ground?

Where does lie the higher ground
Where the Spirit can be found?
For therein we can receive
Light and wisdom to achieve

On a high mount set apart
Is where God's light does impart
Where prophets once were informed
And our Savior was transformed

Here high laws were etched and made
Hand cut by God and displayed
Clear words to us were given
For pure laws to love with in

As for our day - we've temples
To become good examples
It's our fortress of safety
To live our lives out safely

Here we rise above the world
Where oft prideful mocks are hurled
If we listen when they come
There's temptation to succumb

But with the Lord we'll prevail
He's our strength to endure well
It's important to be true
And help others rise up too

There we build an atmosphere
Where it's easier to hear
Let us raise our voices high
And upon God's light rely

Here to take upon Christ's name
To trust and be without shame
If we step down we're unclean
Quick repent for more's forseen

There's no need for prolongment
Choose ye well your involvement
Learn from others decisions
Where it's high there's clear visions

On the straight and narrow path
We don't waste all that we have
This applies to temporal
As it does to spiritual

Providence is the best rule
And temptations we must school
If we have need we must plan
And with help meets we must stand

We must stay within our means
For high interest drains one's dreams
With the Lord we've sufficient
For He's ever beneficent

On high ground, He leads the way
It's through Him to God we pray
He will bless us with reserve
For therein we've more to serve

from rhymezone
doing or producing good
Example: "The most beneficent regime in history"
generous in assistance to the poor
doing or producing good

Robert D. Hales
CES Fireside
March 1, 2009

I had come ye children of the Lord
in my head while I wrote this....

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