
Monday, March 16, 2009

Shall We Walk on Our Lower Lip?

Shall we walk on our lower lip
Full of despair and doom?
No, to our faith we shall grip
And, for the Savior, make more room

The sweet and bitter side by side
Are but opposites
The perspective from truths, we decide
All depends on which way one sits

We should rejoice a little more
And despair a little less
Doing the things we're here for
Giving much thanks, thereto bless

The Lord has power over his Saints
And will always prepare places of peace
Shall we fear and let our hearts grow faint?
No, with Him, there is only increase

Clearing our mind of whatever jumbles
Surely refines and tempers us
Through every experience that teaches and humbles,
And finally prepares us for Jesus

Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

From a talk given at ward conference by President Brooksby
Howard W. Hunter,
“Why Try?,” New Era, Jan 1994, 4

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