
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oh, How We've Benefitted From Brother Joseph Smith

Oh, how we've benefitted
From our Brother Joseph Smith
For through him we've been gifted
With God's light that does transmit

We've a truer understanding
Of Heavenly Father and His plan
We've a book for our handling
And a deeper love for man

We've holy temples for binding
Upon four corners of the earth
We've latter-day words for finding
Our own spiritual rebirth

By the universal power
Given of the Holy Ghost
Knowledge of God's truth does shower
To teach what's needed the most

There to warm within the heart
A witness filled with strength
As to the mind light imparts
A testimony gained at length

Then how bright we are with truth
To love our families and neighbors
Passing hope in Christ to our youth
As were serving Him in our labors

Precious Fruits of the First Vision
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ensign February, 2009, 4

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