
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Language of the heart

The language of the heart
Cannot always be written
But, to the humble who start
There's a flow of words within

More, when something's sacred
It is felt deep in the soul
And in us no words can be bred
To describe the experience in whole

3 Ne. 28: 14
And it was forbidden them that they should utter;
neither was it given unto them power that they could utter
the things which they saw and heard;

There are 6,800 known languages spoken in the 200 countries of the world. 2,261 have writing systems (the others are only spoken) and about 300 are represented by on-line dictionaries as of May 11, 2004. Below are the ones we currently list. New languages and dictionaries are constantly being added to; as a result, we have the widest and deepest set of dictionaries, grammars, and other language resources on the web.

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