
Monday, February 9, 2009

The Power of Faith and Prayer

It is time to believe
In the Power of prayer
For therein we receive
Sustenance and care

It is time to apply
Faith in great abundance
For therein's a supply
Of love, hope, and guidance

And when we are found there
May we be generous
In the thougths which we share
To Heavenly Father and Jesus

They who've giv'n us this day
And our very breath
Give us words when we pray
And a sweet warmth within our breast

Our faith and hope plants a seed
Which prayer then germinates
For growth, reguardless the need
Even in desperate straits

The arms of tender mercy
Ever reach out to give aid
Let us kneel in urgency
As unseen hands to us are laid

After months of drought
Opportunities did make bare
And there can be no dought
That Heavenly Father has been there

Ever sweet has been each day
Of humbly kneeling in trust
While searching for God to light the way
We've felt His love dwell in us

the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
Example: "Rescue party went to their aid"
noun: a resource
Example: "Visual aids in teaching"
noun: a gift of money to support a worthy person or cause
noun: the work of caring for or attending to someone or something
verb: improve the condition of
verb: give help or assistance; be of service from rhymezone

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