
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Positive Compelling Vision of the Future

A positive compelling vision of the future
Is supported by goals of purpose and direction
While transitory paths, like the morning dew, can't endure
As they quickly dry and wither in the heat of the sun

Where you are headed reflects upon your countenance
Regardless of your best efforts to ignore or conceal
Each choice ripples its effect to determine circumstance
And this is a blessing, for the truth it does reveal

There is no better way to find your course and purpose
Than to look to the Son and surrender to His Light
For He knows us individually, through infinite purchase
And He's ever there for conscience, brightness, and delight

Our Savior's sacrifice does ever call us back
As we're ever connected to His redeeming blood
He can carry our load, for alone the strength we lack
And the wine press does prove, how much His love does flood

In daily matters, there are challenges and strife
May these words press upon your mind and your heart
To never give up on yourself and your purpose of life
For what lies ahead is glorious, when we seek light to chart

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