
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In the Quiet Hour

my impressions from regional conference and my limited notetaking:

In the quiet hour
I look for inner strength
That when I face affliction,
I might find peace at length

When I put my trust in God
And His knowledge that is sure
Hope is born for comfort
That I might more endure

Then in my times of doubt
Anguish holds no power
For I know that God's about
To guide me in that hour

Am I really living as I should?
Do I let small events guide me?
Am I doing as the Savior would?
Am I repenting unto what I can be?

I know that I am free to act
And that good and evil abounds
Thus, I give care to what I attract
So on the Lord's side I am found

Shall I justify a lifestyle
That yields no peace or inner joy?
Or look for doctrinal loopholes while
I chase after what the world enjoys?

No, I will look unto all that's great
And let Jesus be at the helm
I will hearken Him and choose the holy life
And look forward to the celestial realm

Elder Ballard February 22, 2009

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