
Monday, February 23, 2009

The Battle Cry Has Been Given

The battle cry has been given
For a standard of righteousness
Who in purity can be proven?
Who can avoid permissiveness?

The seas of peer pressure causes
Forfeited blessings and shattered dreams
As onto jagged rocks it tosses
Those who ignore the lights strong beams

Who will commit without hesitation?
To their heritage, and stand to honor it?

Who will hold at bay all worldly temptation?
While their example lets good news transmit?

When life's goals become shallow
A gospel upbringing is forgotten
And opportunities soon narrow
When codes for conduct falter and soften

May the words of Mount Sinai
Come to thunder on those with ears
The commandments are our allies
Wherein a celestial glimpse appears

Who will open their heart to remember
That day of confirmation?
And how the Holy Ghost in ember
Was gifted without reservation?

Who'll be influenced by that sweet voice
Which testifies and whispers of truth?
Who'll be alert and make the good choice
When temptations prey on the dreams of youth?

Who will be known among the believers?
Those with charity and purity of thought!
Those who in example are the achievers
For in spirit and in faith they have fought

1 Tim 4:12
Be thou an example of the believers,
in word, in conversation, in charity,
in spirit, in faith, in purity

Be Thou An Example
Thomas S. Monson
Ensign, May 2005, 112

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