
Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Winds Blow

The winds blow
Softly with new snow
To remind me
I am not alone

A lone leaf
Drops and sails away
All too soon
It will decay

Now the tree
Looks ever barren
Just like me
Without sweet Karen

My small child
Is ever distant
From my reach
Gone in an instant

Can she know
How much I miss her?
Her voice now
Like a whisper

I see her
Dancing and singing
Her laughter
Sweetly ringing

Reminds me of her
What can life offer?

My heartaches
With emptiness
My heart breaks
With weariness

But a thought
Grows within me
She's not lost
For God set her free

Like the wind
May she pass by
To dry my tears
When here I cry

Or with snow
She can send me
Her kisses
Ever so gently

Dedicated to the handful of people who have come to my blog looking for a poem about losing a child. And stayed to read poem after poem. Looking for some comfort and perhaps words to express their loneliness. My son had a seizure and stopped breathing as a young child and I thought if he died - that would be it and I'd be motherless because we were having trouble getting pregnant. As a mother of a small child the bond is incredibly close. I'll never forget that feeling. Everything turned out okay and we went on to have another. But, I can't imagine the pain of losing a child.

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