
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thou Whose Bowels Are Filled With Mercy

Thou whose bowels are filled with mercy
I call to Thee, as one infirm
Ease my fears as hands now hurt me
And that this babe in me will turn

Here my flesh is sick nigh to death
As I cramp and bleed from the womb
Might Thou bless me with peaceful breath
That this infant in me might bloom?

If Thou calls me, save this baby
That my suff'ring not be in waste
While Thy Light is still inside me
I give thanks for Thine atoning grace

In memory of all the women who used to die in labor-

From a discussion at Segullah- As A Woman?
On how Jesus Christ
knows the pains of child birth...
and the issues of womanhood
started with a quote from
Chieko Okazaki- a must read

click on the title for the link

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