
Monday, January 19, 2009

Suicide- Some Things We Know, and Some We Do Not

Some things are known
And some things are not
To a prophet was shown
Dead spirits being taught

The gospel is preached
Unto those who are dead
Through darkness they are reached
To be spiritually fed

Their bondage of sin
Plus all they've transgressed
Can be paid for within
As each penalty is stressed

Through faith and obedience
The Lord does redeem
Through proxy ordinance
They'll be pronounced clean

But, what of those
Who commit murder?
Who in suicide chose
To end what comes further?

What if on earth
Temple work had been done
Do they still have worth
To return to the Son?

I shall not judge
Nor shall any man
The state of their mind
When they laid out this plan...

Without faith to cope
There's darkness, despair
When one knows not hope
There's no room for repair

When the mind is ill
Nothing makes sense
There was light in them still
But, they had naught patience

Still, as God's creation
We're all known above
His great plan of salvation
Is one of fairness and love

Some things we know
And some we do not
Where, in heaven, will our loved one go?
Is not for our thought

To those left behind
Who agonize full
May they have peace of mind
This, the Lord's promise, does rule:

"Peace I leave with you
My peace I give unto you
Not as the world giveth
Give I unto you"

"Let not your heart be troubled
Neither let it be afraid"... ( John 14:27)
And may your faith be doubled
In the Lord's plan that is laid

Heavenly Father's gospel truly can be
A "light shining in darkness"
With the Savior's role helping us to see
The great plan of happiness

Elder M. Russell Ballard
Suicide: Some Things We Know,
And Some We Do Not
Tambuli, Mar 1988, 16

I am so thankful for the church-
the love, comfort, knowledge and resources it offers
the list is endless, we are not left alone

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