
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Martha and Mary

Martha and Mary
Of the same household
Christ came to tarry
Whose story be told?

Martha did labor
Much more than her share
She judged Mary for
Sharing light with great care

Who's the best hostess?
She who does everything?
When this is her focus
Where is the time to sing?

And if our dear Lord
Came to knock today
Would He feel adored?
If we do things this way?

One starts to broil
The other trims the lamp
One deep in toil
While the other tends the lamb

Each lamp that welcomes
Jesus will look for
When at last He comes
To show Himself once more

If Martha had asked
Soon would come aid
But, as such she lacked
In getting better paid

thoughts from
Dallin H. Oaks
Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged
BYU fireside
1 March 1998

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