
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wishing You Love Beyond Measure

Wishing you love beyond measure
Wishing you a Christmas to treasure
May it simply be a humble day
Celebrated in a simple way

Just as the single light on a dark night
Can be a welcome for those in need of sight
We can give dignity to the Savior's lowly birth
That the light of His love may fill the whole earth

May we scale back what's materialistic
And be focused on what's nobly simplistic
The Lord gave us the ultimate gift and His life
May we emulate Him- with charity that is kind

May we think of the children's need first
That their belief in Christmas might more burst
Take them out to see the lights everywhere
Then at home show them the warmth that's found there

Thoughts from the First Presidency Devotional
President Uchtdorf's memories of his childhood

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