
Monday, December 8, 2008

What is Best to Keepsake

What is best to keepsake
In a Christmas box to treasure
That next year we'll awake
Unto Christ's light with pure pleasure?

Pictures of the children
As Joseph and Mary
As shepherds and wisemen
With staffs and gifts to carry?

The ornaments that shine
The decorations and the lights
Or of memories- yours and mine
Which the soul feels and delights?

Well, perhaps inside should be
A special Christmas book
That records for all to see
Something sweet upon to look

What selfless gift was given
That lifted someone weary
That to remember again
It still can make one teary

The stories of our elders
And of their childhood
That when they're gone like embers
We'll remember where they stood

And, so, new couples dream
And fill the box with care
As an heirloom to esteem
From memories placed in there

That inside your heart
Might grow a larger place
For Christ's light to start
Nostalgia's warm embrace

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