
Friday, December 26, 2008

There is a Land that Stands Without Peace

There is a land that stands without peace
As each prays for their own ways more to increase
Here ancient religions battle in conflict
Ever unwilling to be the one to evict

To leave an impression some seek to harm lives
To make oppression they use bomb, guns, and knives
As hate that's extreme swells midst rabid blasts hurled
They excuse and accuse and scare all the world

Martyrs of suicide- one side lauds the act
And the other must decide- what revenge to exact
Thus in the Holy land, there is unrest and spoil
There is bitterness, harsh wishes and toil

May we ever pray for peace that's within
And hope for pure love to strive among men
May we ever pray that God's truth will be known
And good will grow from the awe therein shown

Thoughts from reading
A View of Jerusalem
by Erin Sheely Tolman

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