
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ever the Majesty of His Touch

Ever the majesty of His touch
Is reaching unto the least of us
Ever our afflictions are discerned
Ever our demons- He has conquered

Ever He's there to lend us support
Of our troubles- He'll never abort
The greatest lesson He ever taught
That for each of us, Satan, He fought

He's carried each burden of sin
And borne all our sorrows within
We must trust in heaven's promises
That not a hair fallen He misses

To take upon us His name
Means to be Christ- like - the same
To follow Him, there to do
What shares of His Light all anew

And ever we will learn, thus
Where to turn and where to trust
And ever we can face life
As we do like Jesus Christ

To succor those who're in need
To find the lost sheep and feed
To lift up hands that hang low
To serve with love there to show

With that kind of love displayed
Light shines that we're not dismayed
And as Christ's splendor is in detect
We daily do and ever connect

thoughts from
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Broken Things to Mend
Deseret Book

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