
Saturday, October 25, 2008

With Outreached Hands, I Heard Him Say "Mom!"

With out reached hands
I heard him say "Mom!"
Now here he stands
I have waited so long

What a relief!
He'd been on the plane
I'd felt disbelief
Till he called out my name

Who is this man
That's come home to me?
He with a tan
While it's fifty degrees?

All that he owns
Is at this airport
No car, no phone
No college or sport

But what he has
Money can't buy
An elder badge
With a suit and tie

We hugged and we talked
I couldn't help but stare
Unaware where we walked
There was so much to share

Then I realized
He was not the same
As though before my eyes
Pieces of others with him came

A part of him
I've never known
It shows in his grin
And the way that he's grown!

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