
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

There is a mighty strength

There is a mighty strength that comes
From knowing who we really are
And that vision step by step sums
As we dare to dream of God afar

On one step mercy, on the next grace
Which reveals purpose to use our strengths
But, then comes temptations with trials to face
Which we can conquer unto higher lengths

May we leave a note on each step
That if we descend we'll refind
The joy for each commandment kept
So we'll not get lost or be left behind

Let's rise up with a mind that's sound
And not have fear to look below
For there are lines which keep us bound
And beyond lies a panavision set aglow

Thoughts from reading
God Hath Not Given us the Spirit of Fear
President Hinckley
Ensign, Oct. 1984, 2

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