
Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Temple

Would it be a sacrifice
To travel there so far?
Selling all for the price
To reach by bus, plane, then car

Would I have to go alone?
What of my family?
I'd give all that I own
To bond eternally

With just enough to sustain
I ate food that is simple
Then for blessings to obtain
I stepped inside the temple

The tears flowed as I was found
With street shoes off my feet
(For God's house is holy ground)
To get here a forgotten feat

This day, I'll not forget
Oh, the beauty and the peace
Now, I'm sealed and I'm set
Endowed to but increase

And if I could go often
The visions I'd receive
I've tender feelings that soften
Which strengthens my belief

Dedicated to those Sister Allred spoke of
who made tremendous sacrifice to reach
the temple. May those who can -go often
and those who can't... may the temple come to them.

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