
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Three Bright Guideposts: Hope, Faith, and Charity

When we are weighed down and feel walled in with worry
We can lose focus and know not where to hurry
Oh, ye who are overburdened unto despair
Come, rest and sit beside me as I have much to share:

Just like this stool you sit on needs three legs to stand
We need three bright guideposts to be always at hand
Hope is the first, it is trust in God's goodness
When we lean unto Him, we hold to His good news

Hope arises out of gratitude and need for the atonement
Then faith in Jesus Christ our next post shines in a moment
Then hope, like a beam of sunlight, rises up and above the horizon
For when we awake unto Christ, He's a brilliant dawn to warm up on...

We see the path of hope step by step as we grow
And the things that we hope in sustain us as we go
So that when we're in darkness we're preserved and upheld
Until we walk in the Light and find our hope has not failed

The things we hope in lead us to the bonds of charity
And with this third post we learn of Christ with clarity
As we put faith and hope into action, we move yet forward
And discover the joy of being Christ-like as we stretch ourselves outward

From life experience, I testify, that this is true
I have been a refugee and felt discouragement, too
It is through our membership we find brightened hope,
And strengthened faith, then charity to help us to cope

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The Infinite Power of Hope
Ensign, November 2008, 21

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