
Saturday, October 11, 2008

In The Stage of Our Mind

In the stage of our mind
Our thoughts continually flow
And except at sleep we find
The curtains never close

If we could control our thoughts
We'd conquer our bad habits
Thoughts are as imps before us
Who make a show with grand fits

They command our attention
And lurk alongside the shadows
All too eager for dissension
To lead virtue out the windows

Still more they are persistent
To be seen as though they're harmless
But, they're rehearsing with the intent
That we'll reinact what will harm us

But, we can add a sound system
That will send them off the stage
For whenever we hum or listen
They're upstaged and leave in rage

If we'd upload a single hymn
For our recall when e'er there's a need
It will interrupt the bad imps
And we'll control where our thoughts lead

Boyd K. Packer
Worthy Thoughts, Worthy Music
New Era, April 2008, 6

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