
Monday, October 13, 2008

I Have a Spirit Inside of Me

I have a spirit inside of me
It helps me feel and helps me see
Not with my eyes and not with my skin
But with my heart and soul within

In Heavenly Father's image and form
We were a spirit before we were born
Now of our bodies we've stewardship
And God's words of wisdom for our ownership

We've also Christ's Light that shines for all
That helps us know what's right- to there stand tall
May those desiring God find their way
And do what is good till that perfect day

In the Godhead there are three
The Holy Ghost can dwell inside of me
Guiding my day if I listen for it
As it speaks to me spirit to spirit

Unto all, Jesus brightens each endeavor
As our exemplar, He's shows with love as our Savior
For, though a God, He condescended to our earth
And atoned for us, to lead us to God and our eternal worth

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