
Saturday, September 27, 2008

We've Gone About Doing Good

We've gone about doing good
Loving as the Savior would
But, now we have felt impressed
There's more He would that we address

We must reach beyond our Sisterhood
To assist alongside the Priesthood
To understand our purpose and our role
We must study the restoration's goals

As calamities must come to pass
Faith must increase and covenants ever last
As the fullness is taught of the gospel
Unto the world by the weak and simple

As daughters t'wards eternal blessings
Our righteousness should be increasing
That we might help our family and friends
To serve the Lord and teach His children

And thus, through a divine commission
We'll bless the home and support the missions
Attend the temples and show welfare
As we extend hands that nurture and care

And in memory of the sisters of old
Who endured persecutions and were bold
May we walk in faith with fire in our souls
And rise in stature to accomplish our roles

May our homes be sacred sanctuaries
Where virtue and loveliness in it carries
Strength to defend and practice truth
To prepare our children and our youth

May the Holy Ghost show what we should do
As we pray, read, study, and ponder anew
With serious mental effort and fasting
To catch the vision the Lord is casting

Julie Beck
Fulfilling the Purpose of Relief Society
Ensign, November 2008, 108

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