
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Never Give Up, Never

Never give up, never
Persevere to the end
Why would you risk or want to sever
The hope of fullness with our Lord, our friend

The course is the easy way
When the goal stays within sight
Even when there comes a trial of faith
And there's sorrow, temptation and blight

This opposition helps us
So that we'll not be passive
But ever following Jesus
There is help He alone can give

For us, He has paved the course
Through His suffering and death
He knows our every sorrow and remorse
And each pitfall to the very depth

He will endow us with gifts
If we but remain true and sure
Having His Spirit in us uplifts
And strengthens us so that we'll endure

May we more learn to be like Him
And seek to know the Father's will
When there's lost sheep, may we tend them
For we've each a course to fulfill

Joseph B. Wirthlin
Never Give Up
Ensign, Nov 1987, 8

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