
Monday, September 29, 2008

If a Man Die, Shall He Live Again?

If a man die, shall he live again?
As one chapter ends, does another begin?
When I die, where does my spirit go?
These are my questions. I've hope to know...

In Alma 40- the answer's there
Stated simply in words that are clear
We'll return home to our God who gave us life
Where the righteous will be found in paradise

To know a state of rest from troubles
From sorrows and cares of tomorrows
To know peace until through Christ, they claim
Resurrected bodies of perfect frame

And what of the wicked, could that be me?
As it is anyone judged as unclean
They, like bad fruit, are to be cast out
To taste what bitter dregs are about

And while in this state of hopeless condition
There will be teachings and reparations
If they so seek, there's safety from perdition
If they so seek, there's wickedness and separation

Thus, we will all know restoration
Until the glad day of consignation
Let it be known the righteous will shine
And live with God in His kingdom sublime!

Thoughts after watching a video of
President Monson telling about visiting
A dying man- and his scriptures opening to
Alma 40 -

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