
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Here- We're Ever Grasping for What's Everlasting

Here- we're ever grasping
For what's everlasting
As we partake of
The emblems of His love

Here- we are becoming
Christ-like and loving
To become like Him, with His name
As He's taken all our shame

Here- we're clean and pure
Although trials may endure
There is strength in who we are
As we have our pillar star

Here- we seek to feel His peace
And are gently put to ease
As we slow down from our haste
For the goodness here we taste

Here- we have His Spirit
Though we cannot steer it
As we must pray to know God's will
And for His strength then to fulfill

And as we seek to understand
Whom He is that extends His hand
We'll want to live and do our best
To have His Spirit, in us, dwell and rest

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