
Saturday, July 19, 2008

When We're Grief Stricken

When we're grief stricken
With a wayward child
May our hearts quicken
Unto love that's mild

We'll not wring our hands
With no way to cope
For we understand
And we ever hope

Although satan lulls
Our loved one to sin
We've been given tools
For attack- to win

The path is simple
And we're not helpless
For, we'll not crumble
We've Christ to enlist

We have perspective
And we know of grace
God is protective
When to Him we race

Our faith must lengthen
Whene'er we are tried
As then we're strengthened
And we're sanctified

The heart knows not rest
Till each temple day
The name is addressed
By all those who pray

We'll fast for success
Sealed to a promise
Though there is distress
Our loves not amiss

We've faith in Christ's name
For He's redeemed us
And He can reclaim
With power that's just

When it's the right time
And it's the right place
Our wayward child
Will see the lord's face

Thoughts after reading
Rescuing a Wayward Child
Larry Barkdull

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