
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The True and Living Church

The true and living church-
Is clearly not obscure
With brilliance sure and dauntless
It's light spreads out of darkness

The Lord looks upon us
And all that is within
We must repent ever thus
Or His light in us grows dim

The keys of the priesthood
Will ever lodge on earth
To heaven it seals what's good
May we more realize our worth

To show our obedience
We do what is better
With God there's no allowance
To His laws we must measure

In our hearts we do search
For each way that sustains
As servants of the church
We'll heed those God ordains

We've an invitation
To aid those discouraged
Through our dedication
Those lost are encouraged

Let's range across the land
And give to those in need
Let's extend loving hands
And more spiritually feed

And God above who sees
Will shed forth glorious light
For honoring His keys
And for doing what is right

President Henry B. Eyring
Ensign May 2008, 8
obscure implies a hiding or veiling of meaning through some inadequacy of expression or withholding of full knowledge
dauntless adjective: invulnerable to fear or intimidation
Picture of Nauvoo temple under construction

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