
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

See the End from the Beginning

We can see the end
From the beginning
As with hearts we tend
To righteous living

If we trust the Lord
And learn to obey
We are in accord
For a chosen way

The priesthood we bear
Is a force for good
We extend God's care
And do as He would

When we're positive
And self- disciplined
We've freedom to live
And with laws we blend

God's hand's over us
He knows what's latent
There is much to trust
That's beyond this moment

We have potential
And God knows each strength
What is essential
To reach high at length?

For the Strength of Youth
Gives temple standards
We must live its truths
To our core innards

Though we are challenged
With uncertain times
We're not discouraged
There's work, as one climbs

Doubts we entertain
And frustrations too
Help Satan to reign
Our ears are his tool

He whispers "give up,
You will not succeed"
But, that's not enough!
We know God does lead

We know we must learn
To follow God's will
For this we must yearn
For this we must thrill

The Spirit tell us
Whom we should follow
Our Beloved Jesus
Our Lord, we'll all know

May we recognize
Our need to convert
The atonement buys
We must not revert

Plus eternal life!
Bought with all our strife

It is for this end
That we can see now
May our heart now tend
To what God would to endow

Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ensign May 2006

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