
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pioneer Day- Poems From What the Prophets Say

In remembrance of the pioneers

With full faith in their every footstep
The pioneers forged and tempered their souls
Without the Lord, they would be inept
May we too be true, in all of our roles

Elder Wirthlin - General Conference April 1997


We have been blessed by the pioneers
They heeded the voice of the prophets with faith.
They showed courage despite their fears
and conquered the uncertainty of fate.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Heeding the Voice of the Prophets,” Liahona, Jul 2008, 2–5

A Defense and a Refuge

After hiking as far as they could,
The apostles and the prophet stood.
High above the valley- their new home.
With God’s blessings no longer to roam.

To a walking stick, they tied a cloth.
On a high peak they waved it aloft.
As an ensign to all from the storm.
A raised standard of works to perform.

Here was "the place" that the Savior chose.
The blossoming desert, a unique rose.
Each pioneer had survived circumstance,
The cause of Zion could now advance!

The gospel message is now ours to preach
To our neighbors our example can reach.
Like the pioneers who had much from them taken.
We, through our trials, gain faith unshaken.

If we are doing the best that we can,
We can light a path for our fellow man.
As a candle placed upon a high peak
Our flame can burn bright for all who may seek.

The Lord is our refuge and our defense
For our homes and our inheritance.
We must not attack or turn flighty
But, in faith, pray to our Almighty.

-President Packer 85–88, Boyd K. Packer, Nov 2006, “A Defense and a Refuge, ” Liahona

The Passage of Time

The passage of time dims bad memories
And none too soon fades our worst worries.
The pioneer trail, where once tears fell like rain
Is now a roller coaster.... a runaway train.

For as crimes creep higher and spiral upward
Decency careens society downward
And who can escape as the ride moves faster?
This thrill of the moment speeds to disaster!

Can we muster the courage for today?
As modern pioneers can we show the Lord's way?
His path has been laid to eternity
May we blaze this trail bright with  morality!

Thomas S. Monson 'Come Follow Me," Ensign, Jul 1988, 2

The Coming Tests and Trials and Glory

We stand today on a mountain peak
Humbled for there is much more to seek
In the midst of the mountains of Israel
There's a panavision that is surreal
To gain the height we have climbed up switches
Past forests of evil where much sin stretches
Past canyons, cliffs and crags where some plummet
We have struggled and reached this high summit:

Along the way, as we upward climb,
We pass roaring rivers of hate and crime
Still, we trudge forward. Sharp rocks cut our feet
How we are leery of jackals that we might meet!
The lion's lair, serpents coiled on ledges...
What is lurking in the brush along dark edges?
Yet, far in the distance, hidden in clouds,
A morning mist on Mt. Zion enshrouds.

This Mount is the grandest peak of all
Where Heavenly angels beckon and call.
Here assemble the church of the first born!
Looking back we see the the trails they have worn.
And the view is glorious! Yes, indeed!
We can hear praise for their every deed,
As Angel Moroni flies high in the midst.
From his trump, lo- hear whispers come up from the dust.

While angelic ministrants bless, bearing keys,
What is rolling forth to fill the earth with peace?
A little stone that is cut, all, without hands
Shorn from where the house of the Lord now stands.
As the stone breaks earthly kingdom's damage
Soon, it will smite the Babylonian image.
Then Elders can cry unto these many nations,
"Repent and assemble where e'er one stations!"

We see stakes and temples dotting the ground,
Where gifts, signs, and miracles abound.
As the sick are healed and the dead are raised
And the power of God, in song is praised.
Amidst this toil and sorrowful test
Their sacred covenants strengthen and bless.
God's elect are to progress, tutored and bred
While murderers try their good blood to shed.

We see Nauvoo in flames by those depraved.
We see snow and cold and death and graves.
With a new leader t'wards their promised land
"All is Well," they sing, as in faith, they band.
They lay their all, even their lives, on the altar
And proved, though driven, they will not falter.
They heed the prophet.  Their faith is not weak.
T'wards Mt. Zion, it is God's will that they seek.

As our eyes watch all that lies below
We rejoice that there is much more to know.
With joy, we anticipate the dawn of tomorrow
Though we may face suffering and dampening sorrow.
We know we will yet face even greater perils
As we are proved and tested with our own severe trials.
May our shoes be off, when they are found
For then we stand upon holy ground.

As we ponder and count our bountiful blessings
We climb on and follow the pioneers old treadings.
Crest upon crest along their once charted course
Until, suddenly, we are hit with emotions full force.
So glorious... what we can see causes our hearts to rejoice,
For those with clean hands and pure hearts are sanctified and choice.
Yet, wretchedly, what we can see causes us to tremble,
As we weep for those who'se faithfulness had crumbled.

What wars and plagues which cover earth's kingdoms
As the wayward and worldly abuse rights and freedoms!
Even some of the elect drop to this low pattern
And fall by the wayside bruised, ashamed, and tattered!
But, the Lord's caravan must and does roll forward
To all the nations it presses onward and onward.
More and more missionaries share light and utterance
Ishmael's tribes will have their inheritance!

The now large stone breaks down the last barriers.
We can not stop, be idle, or tarry here.
For, we see saints, of the most high, worshipping
In Moscow, Saigon and in Peking
In Egypt, India, and Africa...
As contrails burst forth from America,
We see Saints of God all the world over
Standing with lights and guides that empower!

The ultimate symbol, brightly triumphant
The new generation takes a virtuous stand!
Crowned with God's power, defending His truth
We see great wisdom of those still in their youth.
This vision's not all sweetness, peace and light
There's greater evils, than at any past time.
As the Saints prepare to meet their God
Sinking depravity rides hardshod!

Hearts become heavy, full of foreboding
While liars, thieves and murderers all are found goading.
With blood, death, and carnage dark everywhere
Mankind's hearts are finding it hard to care.
Adulterers, fiends, and altered sexuals
Take the place of families as usuals.
They glorify all that is lewd and base
As the work of the Lord rolls on, more in haste.

Thus, Satan reigns in the hearts of men
and show his power with Gadiantons.
They'll fill the judgment seats of ruling nations.
They'll overthrow liberty with sedition.
Amist it all, still, there are revelations.
There are prophecies, prayers, and more visions.
There are new gifts, signs, and miracles
Yes, the Holy Spirit of God fulfills!

Amid this believing, souls are born again
Preparing for God and to dwell with Him.
Is it any wonder that we rejoice?
Amid commotion there is a still small voice.
The ungodly will be swept away from the church
As the little stone fills the whole earth.
The Zion of God will be found unmoved.
Amidst great trembling, the Mt. is best proved.

Ahead lies what's dark, dreary and dreadful.
Upon each issue we must be careful.
The blood of the martyrs will poor again
As though doors in Carthage enclose in.
We must heed the Prophet and Apostles
And let their words penetrate our auricles.
As whether in life or death, we will soon see
Our blessed Lord return nigh in Glory!

We will see New Jerusalem coming down
To join the Holy City with peace all around.
We shall mingle with Enoch's pure bright city
While we worship and serve divinity.
From peak to peak, hear the echoing strains?
"Glory to the Lord our God," we will acclaim!
We will sing the Psalms of the Restoration
And among things unlawful to even speak
Will come joy into the hearts of the faithful, meek.

Bruce R. McConkie, Ensign 1980 "The Coming Tests and Trials and Glory"

Give Heed Unto the Prophet's Words

In the promised land
During conference session,
Bad news came at hand...
"There's a stuck procession!"

Those in attendance
Gave heed, nigh at once.
Despite the distance...
They knew of storm-fronts!

They must brave their fears
Time was against them,
To save those pioneers
On the verge of death!

The blizzard stormed.
Twas terrible indeed.
Yet, rescue teams formed
For those in dire need.

In a selfless act
At SweetWater some laved.
Their faith was in tact.
They carried those they'd saved.

When the prophet called
Their love was heroic.
To serve no one stalled
Their wet clothes grew thick.

May we not forget
May we act in like kind
Those in dire need, fret
And, of those may we find

In conference we hear
What's for our best profit
His message is clear
May we heed our prophet

Give Heed Unto the Prophet's Words Elder Quentin L. Cook

"The Sabbath is a Holy Day"

On the Sabbath morning
I felt within my heart
That the Lord's day was holy
And purely set apart
As a soul that rejoices
I speak of heavenly things
Then join the choir voices
And with the angels sing

I rest from cares and labors,
The rushed duties of life,
And with my best endeavors
Reach forth to receive light.
With full dedication,
And feelings of peace and rest
There is education,
Through repentance, I'm blessed.

What I learn from a talk
I can know, "It is true!"
"This is the path to walk."
The spirit tells me anew.
I store up on wisdom.
We teach one another.
The ways of God's kingdom
Shares like no other!

As a memorial
We take the sacrament.
His life, His death, His burial
Gave us the atonement.
And this we must think on
As we partake of His emblems.
And, His ascension
Gladdens us to sing the hymns.

We ought to be careful
And partake worthily.
With tender hearts grown full
We engage more civilly.
We receive blessings
Each time that we partake.
The spirit impressing...
Of our sins, we forsake.

Now the day is not through...
As we attend more meetings.
This we do not simply do,
For that would be fleeting.
We are sustained through each calling
And need not to condemn.
The world would to find us falling
But, we are God's light for them.

In Christ, we must wash our robes
With His blood, they become white.
In heaven there will be more than probes
To see who is in the right.
We have got to arrive at
A state that is ever pure.
The spirit tell us what is fact
Thus, we can know for sure.

May the pioneers inspire.
How they traveled in peril!
The days became more dire.
They soon did not fair well.
Still, they were committed
And rested each Sabbath day.
Gods commandments are written.
Let us, too, show faith and obey.

"The Sabbath is a Holy Day", John Taylor, pg 107 Teachings of the Presidents of the Church

Mommy, Why?

Mommy, why are we leaving home
Where are we going, why must we roam?
Come, come along, my dear precious one
We are going to live in Zion
There we'll build the city of our God
Come follow me, hold my hand and come...

How much longer on the ship? I'm sick
We've traveled so long on this Atlantic
Yes, the quarters are small, the voyage too long
But, we are together. Let us sing a glad song
With faith in the Lord we will be made strong
We will soon be in Zion, where we belong...

I feel so very sick, I feel so weak
Do you see land? Please, Mommy, go and peek
Yes, you stay with Mary and hold her hand
She has been too weak to even stand
Her lips are pale and I greatly fear
She is soon to pass through this "vale of tears"...

Why must we bury her out to sea?
Can we sing a song for dear Mary?
The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away
Yes, little child, let us sing and let us pray
If we do according to God's will
He promises us we have "His peace... be still..."

Why must we walk so long and so far
Can I sit up there, high inside the cart?
We need to keep moving, just to stay warm
Come, and I will hold you under my arm
Here we must step and here we must press on
Until we reach the city of Zion...

Is this our new home, this little dugout?
Is this what Zion is really about?
This quilt can be our door, this short winter
For now all we need is a quick shelter
We have sacrificed and much we have conquered
May our trials always, truly, be remembered...

One-sixth died on the journey, there to slumber.
They endured for us! Now look at our numbers!

Thomas S. Monson, "Come Follow Me," Ensign, Jul 1988, 2

Without freedom
How can one feel safe?
Act with wisdom
Or become a slave

Noah packed up
Though others jeered
Building was tough
But freedom neared

The pioneers
Left the known behind
Despite the tears
They'd freedom to find

What is security
And a comfortable life
Without liberty
And faith to help you strive

The World Needs Pioneers Today

Liberty is the value of individuals to have agency (control over their own actions).

We forget how the Greeks and Romans prevailed magnificently in a barbaric world and how that triumph ended—how a slackness and softness finally overcame them to their ruin. In the end, more than they wanted freedom, they wanted security and a comfortable life; and they lost all—comfort and security and freedom.

Liberty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎

He who sacrifices freedom for security will soon have neither.- Ben Franklin

Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

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