
Monday, July 7, 2008

A Common Thread for Priesthood Holders

We've common thread, we're priesthood holders
We've the power to act in God's name
A sacred trust, to worthy shoulders
And much is expected from this claim

We've opportunities that await
There's a heavenly inheritance
We've seen a glimpse while in this estate
As with His power, we're mighty to advance

On a pathway with forks and turnings
We've obstacles, pitfalls, and snares
We've courage, for "no" on these journeys
As there's a destiny and we've shares

The call for courage comes constantly
And requires that we oft say "yes"
The Prince of Peace pleas, "follow me"
For, there are souls in need, we're to bless

We're strong in our faith and fear not
To stay pure, it's become apparent
That when we've misstepped we should "get out!"
And be led by a wise parent

The Lord's with us on the paths we take
We'll not cower, but show dignity
We've been promised He will not forsake
We'll not affront, but live decently

We've bravery to die manfully
As we'll face all opposition
We'll not compromise to those unruly
We'll master and reposition

We'll touch the hearts of those we serve
While time marches our duty calls
Our hands will raise up God's torch with verve
While we're blessed from His heavenly halls

Thomas S. Monson,
“The Call for Courage,”
Ensign, May 2004, 54

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