
Monday, June 23, 2008

The Darkness Dispels

The darkness dispels
There is beauty that's bright
And all else soon pales
To the beautiful sight

Glorious and risen
Stands our God and His Son
The world now glistens
In this, our dispensation

When we do what's wrong
The day turns into night
But it won't stay for long
If we do what is right

We've the Light and the Life
From our Brother, Jesus
He knows of our strife
And He is there for us

Those who've been baptized
Have a gift that's a shield
Satan's tricks cannot hide
Amongst a brightened field

Evil can't conquer
If we choose what yields light
We've light from our Brother
To see light through the night

Robert D. Hales
"Out of Darkness
Into His Marvelous Light"
Ensign, May 2002

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