
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Suppress That

Suppress that anger and jealousy
Do not give in to the enemy
The spirit is injured as long chains grow
Till much of our liberty begins to go

The best inside of us can cave to entices
To a point we have virtues or we have vices
Our appetites are strengths that take us farther
Do not gormandize what comes from our Father

Hard drinks, each has an appetite for itself
Once deprived, it is an enemy to oneself
Healthy passions perpetuate joy and life
Prostitute them, you will soon have sin and strife

The whole lesson is that of subduing
To conquer pride will be our best doing
In our day of spiritual renaissance
There are established tools for best resistance

Surrender to God
In meekness and pain
He is all we've got
To become wholly sane

One of the three forms of temptations:
Temptation of the appetite or passion
my thoughts from reading
Pathways to Happiness
discourses of David O. McKay

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