
Friday, May 30, 2008

Leave the Flying to Me

When we pray to the Lord on high
And make Him our habitation
The angels are giv'n charge to fly
And, watch o'er our every location

Where we go and in all our ways
There are angels to supervise
They're sent swiftly, without delays
For we are not always all that wise

The angels whisper thoughts, certainly
When we keep our Lord nearby
So that when we've something tempting
They'll guide us so we'll not reach to try

I can almost hear them breathing
As they gather in prayer and love
They're as God's hands for our keeping
As they watch over us from above

We've enemies that we must fight
Our bodies want to be in charge
We struggle with big appetites
When we're not mindful of what's at large

If we were to see the angels
We'd see them working busily
And from our guardian angels
We might hear, "Leave the flying to me"

May the Lord's angels surround us
One in front and one on each side
To keep us safe as they encrust
May we trust and enjoy the ride

Thoughts after reading
Meridian Magazine
May Angels Surround Us
By Carolyn Allen

"When thou hast made the Lord,
even the most high, thy habitation;
there shall no evil befall thee ...
for He shall give his angels charge
over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."
(Psalm 91:9-11)

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