
Monday, May 19, 2008

Give Heed unto the Prophet's Words

In California
Santa Ana winds blew
Carrying fires up
Smoke and heat grew

Some must risk their lives
To suffocate the flames
Yet, onward sparks thrived
While rescues worked in waves

From this we can learn
A crisis comes quickly
To all it can burn
Poor, rich, strong or sickly

At first it's subtle
An ember to arise
Then all is crucial
As it's right before our eyes

Gone would be the home
Along with everything
But, perhaps a phone
Which would be the best thing?

With news emerging...
There's a shelter to wait
With homeless merging
They had succumbed to fate

The church springs to aid
So faith will not fade
Food, blankets and water
Midst prayers to Heavenly Father

Faith must be in tact
And organization
All's at risk in fact
A stark realization


In the promised land
During conference session
Bad news came at hand...
"There's a stuck procession"

The priesthood holders
Gave heed to the prophet
Dropping church folders
They thought not twice of it

Time was against them
To save those pioneers
On the verge of death
They must brave their fears

As the snow drifts stormed
Twas terrible indeed
Yet, rescue teams formed
For those in dier need

In a selfless act
At SweetWater some laved
Their faith was in tact
They carried those they'd saved

When the prophet called
Their love was heroic
To serve no one stalled
Though the waters icy thick

May we not forget
May we act in like kind
Those in dire need fret
And, of those may we find

In conference we hear
What's for our best profit
His message is clear
May we heed our prophet

Give Heed Unto the Prophet's Words
Elder Quentin L. Cook
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

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