
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Great Reservoirs of Spiritual Water

Great reservoirs of spiritual water
Have been safeguarded for us to partake
We hear the words of Heavenly Father
And feel of His love which does not forsake

He'll nourish us from a living fountain
And give us what's vital in constant sips
Water's the purest in a high mountain
Where also flows what's from the prophets lips

For profit and learning and correction
When we're spiritually fed we will not thirst
To overcome sin and change direction
We must draw daily from the water first

When we're saturated, there's a cleansing
To wet our appetites, we add fasting
With increased focus, there's more we can see
There is a joy that is everlasting

We have a keystone to our religion
And we need not dilute what's been sent pure
The Book of Mormon can answer each deep question
We'll dare not go beyond, to stay secure

When we've problems too great for human strength
A quiet hour spent in meditation
Helps us tune in with God, He's close at length
And, we have faith without hesitation

We've a well of water that's springing up
And from this high source, we can clearly see
To atone for us, Jesus filled his cup
He'll help us repent and much cleaner be

President Harold B. Lee
Teachings of the President of the Church
pg. 59

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