
Monday, May 26, 2008

Father's Day Achievement

I'm thankful for the time we spend
And all the places that we go
You're my father. You're my friend
This key chain will remind you so

Like a blends and bends
Symbolizing what we know-
Our love's eternal without end
Forever weaving, more to grow

And... my love's with you all the places that you go

Made lanyard key chains.  The trick is starting them and I recommend having that done beforehand.

Click on father's day just below this post to read many other Father's Day poems

Fathers, we love who you are
You put magic in children's eyes
You're a hero that's never far
You lift them to the skies

Happy Father's Day Heavenly Father
This is the day to celebrate
Our Father in Heaven
Daily to Him prayers inundate
By all of us, given
Happy Father’s Day,
Heavenly Father above
Hope you know always
We look to you with love
A father is the first one
We look to when there’s a need
We can’t name all He has done
But we can listen and heed
Father You are the First of Many
Father, you are the first of many
Great men your child will look up to.
A better hero, there isn't any.
They want to spend time with you!
Kid Therapist's Advice for Dads

So you want to be a better dad?
Here is a child with some helpful tips
Your name can be known to rhyme with mad or rad
Kids are listening to what comes through your lips
Apparently, what they want and need
Is more of your affection and time
They want to sit on your lap and hear you read
And many of the things that don’t cost a dime!

The Honored Title Father
The honored title, Father, means much to me
As I ponder my eternal family.
Rightly and first is God, in Heaven above.
I am His child, born of Him, in Spirit and love.
Next, is the Father and creator of Earth.
Who, through the Atonement, taught us our worth.
The next might surprise you. It is Adam.
For, his life spent fallen, brought about all man.
Still there are more before I get to my own.
There is Noah, whose ark saved all life, alone.
Then, there is Abraham and the covenant of his seed.
His children outnumber the sands of the sea.
I can’t forget the one who adopted the Lord of us all.
For, upon his shoulders was the greatest call!
Speaking of callings, there is one in this ward
Who helps me stay clean, as in life I move forward
Finally, there is you, the Father of me.
Without whom I would not ever be.
Thank you for preparing me for a good life
As to my father-in-law, I treasure the words: man and wife
Thank you dear fathers, you’ve led me and taught.
More than words can say, I love you A LOT!
For a father is the one whom without we would be naught.
A father is to be treasured and his wisdom sought.
Now, in your own heart, is there anyone that I forgot?

Let Us Be Men
A father is a man
Who knows to sacrifice
He is generous and
Loves to serve and surprise

A Father Indeed
A father can do the hard things
For the home he is a stable rock
We oft go to him for blessings
From his duties he will never walk
Adjectives for Father

F- firm, fixed, faithful
A- adept, advisory, accomplished
T- temperate, thankful, trustworthy
H- hardworking, honorable, honest
E- efficient, ethical, enduring
R- reliable, resourceful, robust

Fatherhood- An Eternal Calling
Father you are my anchor
When the waves grow high
Steadying me from danger
As what I face does try
Father you are what grounds me
To the truths I should hold
Though the storms of life are pounding
I feel your courage, bold
Thoughts by words from Elder Perry

Father I Know Just What You Need
Father, I know just what you need
So relax with fresh air to breathe
This gift didn’t break the bank 
And the allergens will leave
I bought a hepa filter and ziptied it to a box fan
To the back so the fan stays clean and can be vacuumed for maintenance.
I hope the itchy eyes will get some relief….
I read it is 90 % the effectiveness of the $800 variety!

The Determined Father
Of a father, much is required
Determination being the first
For this calling will never expire
And you will see the best and worst
acrostic qualities of a father

For the Father to Be- Tools
What should a brand new father have
To maintain a growing home?
But some simple tools ready at hand
That are great to use and own
hammer that’s strong to build
Whatever needs to be in place
Plus a putty knife and brush
For what demands a patient face
Pliers and a wrench
To replace and restore
ruler made to stretch
And measure what’s in store
The parenting tips for a father
Are much like the tools he owns
Time and attention will take him farther
Than ignoring what daily grows
See him: fixing, scraping, prying, and nudging
And making the best of what he has?
Father is building the strength for judging
What he’ll need next as parenting demands
What better thing to do for a father to be
Than to throw him some manpower
So he will have all the right tools ready
For what comes after the baby shower
craft card:  trace the tools- a hammer, putty knife, brush, pliers, wrench, tape measurer, and glue them inside a folded paper in the shape of a trapeziod. glue a red handle to the top.

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