
Monday, May 5, 2008

Do Your Duty- That is Best

"Do your duty that is best
Leave unto the Lord the rest "
There is much for you to share
From your heart, thus prepare
Then, in each call or meeting
Testify while speaking
There is much that you will learn
From the Holy Ghost, in turn

Do your part among men
Be an example, quite often
In activities and quorums
Honor and serve those who govern
Become a good home teacher
Show care and be a leader
In example and in truth
This will bless you through your youth

As you develop more and grow
The body too, will show
As you engage in sports made fun
You will find achievements won
There to track your best progress
And clear your mind from what does stress
As you find, you are more in shape
You are kinder as moods moderate

Awake, you have a duty
To learn all that you should be
As you trek that sacred walk
Stand tall, prepared to talk
This program's sent across the globe
For your future path to probe
Better sons, brothers, and friends
Your new mission call extends

Do not underestimate
All that for you does await
Live the motto every day
Let it help you walk in faith
It will sustain you throughout your life
And be a strength through all strife
You will be prepared to be a man
To respond to duty in God's plan

Thomas S. Monson,
“Do Your Duty—That Is Best,”
Liahona, Nov 2005, 56–59

*Do your duty that is best
Leave unto the Lord the rest
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
“The Legend Beautiful,”
in The Complete Poetical Works
of Longfellow (1893), 258

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