
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Come Hear and Understand

Come hear and understand the gospel
That is given to every people
Come learn of God and be of one
With every nation, kindred and tongue

We've potential for exaltation
We must work out our salvation
Through faith in Christ and repentance
We're baptized to a new existence

As individuals we must perceive
What covenants we make and receive
When we're given the Holy Ghost
We comprehend what we need the most

For the highest state of happiness
We'll focus on what acts in us
Then progress to our family
As the home is love's laboratory

Who's our guide to love one another?
He is our Elder Brother!
We're taught patience and kind service
And to walk in truth and soberness

For the increase of love desired
Oft a rebuke is required
May this lead t'wards eternal life
While learning from overcoming strife

We've each responsibility
We've each accountability
As lawful heirs sealings extend
Let's endure with love that never ends

"In God's eternal plan, salvation is
an individual matter;
Exaltation is a family matter"

Salvation and Exaltation
Elder Russell M. Nelson
Ensign May 2008, pg.7

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