
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Zion's Pure in Heart


The crowning principle of life
Is the gospel in action
Where the love of husband and wife
Lays down a solid foundation


Pure religion lifts sorrows
Succors the needs of widows
Aids those in need of fathering
For Christ's sake, who's felt their suffering


We've happiness and self-esteem
When we work and accomplish
And, thus we realize wellbeing
As we further our membership


To become, more of self, stewards
We're commanded by the Lord
Every aspect leans towards
First the self, then family, then ward


Consecration is sacrifice
Of one's time and one's talents
For the Lord, without thinking twice
We are His laboring servants


All things belong to the Lord
And we're held accountable
In all we apply our lives for
May we show we're responsible

The highest order of priesthood
Is founded on all these things
To serve others with brotherhood
Is the noblest of all dealings

How this applies to church programs
We can have understanding
When we've provident living plans
What's good, we're accentuating

Let's do these things because they're right
Because they are satisfying
Then, when storms blow with all their might
Stakes of refuge we are finding

-Spencer W. Kimball

And the Lord Called His People Zion

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