
Saturday, April 26, 2008

We Can Know the Truth of All Things

We can know the truth of all things
As the Holy Ghost witnesses
It testifies with warm feelings
As it protects and it blesses

The wisest thing we'll ever know
Is that Heavenly Father is real
As we learn to obey and grow
A sure knowledge of God does seal

By the power of the Holy Ghost
We can know who our Savior is
As creator, He is our host
Inside us we've a Light Which is His

Those who've gained a testimony
Have learned how to recognize truth
It is not a cacophony
Nor do you have to wait for proof

All things denote there is a God
And all truths point towards Jesus
From the broad sky to the planted sod
Here we will learn, Earth is for us!

There are sources here that help us learn
We have books, teachers and parents
We can pray when our thoughts won't turn
We can practice faith and patience

In Moroni, we learn of precious gifts
That are sent from our Lord above
Each of us have at least one to uplift
To the faithful they abound with love

One, may teach wisdom of the word
From another, knowledge is heard
One, may have faith that exceeds all
Another, the gifts of healing
One, may work mighty miracles
Another, prophesies all things
One, can behold heavenly angels
Another, ministering spirits
One, may speak the various tongues
Another, may then interpret
With Christ-like love these gifts are hung
We need each other,yes, everyone!

Moroni 10:5
And by the power of the Holy Ghost
ye may know the truth of all things.

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