
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Walk in the Light

We were all taught by Elohim,
He, the Father of our spirits.
We wanted to be like Him
To prove faithful, and fully His.

We've unique characteristics.
He designed our earth life with love
And o'ersaw all the logistics.
What can we experience enough of?

With a body of cravings that grow
We would be subject to illness.
Pain, suff'ring and death we would know
On our journey t'wards fullness

We progressed as much as we could
And Lucifer rebelled the plan
He thought better of what we should
He'd forgo a body, rather than

Cast out with a third of the hosts
They spend all their time to deceive
Of their power to tempt, they do boast
Wanting to prevent what we'd receive

As part of Father's grand design
We'd need help to learn to behave
He lit up all the earth with a sign
A light for our conscience that would save

This Light had come from our Savior
Who never strayed from all that's right
He would condescend, though He's pure
And teach us how to walk in the light

As part of the plan, He must die
After suff'ring for all our sins
After all temptations were denied
He'd help us return, as He ransoms

We came as a babe that was mild
Our prior existence was veiled
So that we could learn as a child
All that we prepared for and detailed

Now, our lives are not perfect
We make mistakes, and often sin
But, tools are in place to protect
Though, for some, from God's laws they harden

As we learn to sense what is right
We become privileged to find more
Those with the Holy Ghost gain insight
And can be a light like the Savior

From our joy, we'll share the lights warmth
As it illuminates our path
Where for everyone there is roomth
Hoping to see what the Father hath.

You make choices every day
That will keep you walking in the light

Show new faith, when there is dim sight.
For, if not you are moving away.

May you watch, may you pray
May you help others to walk in the light,

May you know a countenance bright.
Glowing with warmth to brighten the way

Henry B. Eyring
“Walk in the Light,”
Ensign, May 2008, 123–25

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