How oft did He find time for solitude?
When the needs of the lost were not done.
While surrounded by the multitudes
He always had concern for the one
We've been commissioned to do likewise.
May we see others through Christ-like eyes.
Today some are weary and have strayed
When we've ninety-nine who should we seek?
One who may be different? Or heavy lade?
Of the way they look, act, think and speak
Do they think that they're not befitting?
And from the flock find themselves slipping?
But, the Lord who has peopled the earth
Placed us as a vibrant orchestra
Each of us as fine instruments of worth
That adds to complex beauty and spectra.
In every single personality
Lies a depth rich with ability
The miscellanea of creation
Is a testament of self-esteem
We are like God in variation
Black and white, male and female, bond and free
One flesh is not above another
For, in fact, spiritually we are brothers
Whenever a Saint trips, slips or falls
Who is the best to help one back up ?
He's the Master, and for each He calls
He who submitted and bore the cup.
Let's lend encouragement and support
For we are all imperfect and fall short.
It's at the Lord's Church we find doctrine
That's redemptive- full of charity
Where we can lose ourselves and begin
To give service with variety
For this we'll consecrate talents and skills
According to as the Father wills
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
“Concern for the One,”
Liahona, May 2008, 17–20
Thank you for sharing your gift of inspirational poetry through your blog. I am quoting your poem, citing you and your blog in my lesson on Sunday.