
Friday, April 25, 2008

And Nothing Shall Offend Them

Through the strengthening power of the atonement
An offense is over-ruled. We triumph
We can live together with at-one-ment
If we petition in prayer for guidance

Keeping covenants requires dedication
And, of the many who've left their covenants
They are in need of our inspiration
We need prayer to open walls of offense

Why have they not been participating
In the blessings and programs of the church?
Offtimes they're lifestyles are dissipating
And, grievances have turned them away hurt

These are some of the reasons some have cited:
Some felt excluded and without a friend.
Until some have moved or died
Some vow to not set foot in again

With commandments they struggled to live within
They avoided change and went another way
Do they remember the spirit given?
Do they remember what the scriptures say?

Where once they might have viewed us severely
We pray that they might feel of our concern
If we'd visit and ask them sincerely
Perhaps the spirit might help them return

One of the Lord's disciples has proclaimed
It is time to stop feeling offended
Each of us do things of which we're ashamed
It's time for the lost sheep to feel tended

All must act and not be acted upon
As free agents we can choose for our good
It is time to find the faith that we stand on
The Holy Ghost will witness how we should

Elder David A. Bednar
“And Nothing Shall Offend Them,”
Liahona, Nov 2006, 89–92

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