
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Achievement Mother's Day poems

Make a card and plan a great day for mom.
- a book mark poem
**click on the below label- mother's day to read more Mother's Day poems

Dearest mother, we would like to say
How much we love you, on this day
We have prepared to give you rest
For you deserve the very best

Read this book and recline
Take a is your time
We have planned each meal for you
And we will do the dishes too

Late in the day, we've planned more
We will watch the sunset and cook s'mores
Then go to bed at the time you say
How, we love you, Happy Mother's Day!

Poem making activity: Find hidden words in
Happy Mother's Day
a, pad, date, mate, mote, pay, may, as, to, has, they, the, dream, mat, pat, her, yap, pam, ram, am, yes, pope, tape, day, ray, other, mother, days, rays, say, stray, tray, pray, prom, steam, ream, tap, more, store, sore, stop, pop, top, hop, shop, hope, throat, heard, yeah, yah, hay, tear, rest, tappy, happy, dame, rate, hate, ape, mope, thermos, most, roast, stream, tapped, taped, star, part, heart, pest, mar, harp, tarp, road, toad, dopey, made, sad, had, mad, toads, roads, rope, rome, roam, troy, toy, tore, adore, meat, team, same, hat, dear, pear, ear, hear, shore
Then take some that rhyme, use for endings, and make a Poem:
Some of the girls have already written various poems
You can ask them to bring them and share for next time

In the Spring, the month of May
Comes a very special Day
For mother, of whom I'm a part
To honor her and her good heart

Her smile is like the sunshine rays
It is her love that warms my days,
She gives me strength and hope to dream,
And sends me buoyed upon life's stream

In the lovely month of May
We give thanks on Mother's day
It is the day we give her rest
And let her know she is the best!

acrostic poem

One true
Teacher of
How to serve
Even when
Really tired

Heavy burdened
Ease and









(says I love you going down)

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